USCIS announced that it will be resuming premium processing for all 2019 H-1B CAP petitions on January 28, 2019. This includes those filed under the Master Cap. Petitioners can now use premium processing along with responses to RFEs issued against FY 2019 H-1B CAP petitions.
Premium processing will remain suspended for all other categories of H-1B to which it applied. USCIS will announce when the suspension for these will be lifted.
For petitions filed with premium processing service, USCIS guarantees a 15-day adjudication for that petition. If USCIS is unable to adjudicate within this timeframe, USCIS will refund the premium processing fees and will continue to process the petition in an expedited manner.
If you need assistance with filing H-1B for 2020 H-1B CAP or any other immigration matter, please contact the Law Offices of Trupti N Patel & Associates at 617-367-6750.
The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has suspended premium processing for all H-1 B petitions subject to the Fiscal Year 2019 cap. USCIS will start accepting 2019 CAP H-1B on April 2nd, 2018. USCIS will reject any petitions filed received for premium processing. When the USCIS resumes premium processing, a premium processing request may be filed for any pending petitions.
The reasons given for the suspension of the premium processing are that it will allow the USCIS time to process pending petitions and process the H-1B extensions that are nearing the 240 day mark.
USCIS will continue to accept premium processing for H-1B petitions not subject to the FY 2019 H-1B cap. The suspension of the FY 2019 H-1B cap is expected to last until September, 10, 2018.
If you or your organization needs assistance with filing H-1B petitions, please contact Boston Immigration Attorney – Trupti N Patel & Associates.
The RAISE (Reforming American Immigration for Strong Employment) Act is a immigration bill introduced in the Senate this year. The goal of the bill is reducing the level of immigration to the U.S. while increasing the percentage of new immigrants who qualify for high-status jobs.
Reduced Family-Based Immigration
If it becomes law, the RAISE Act would phase out family-sponsored preference categories for adult children and siblings of U.S. citizens. This would dramatically reduce family-based immigration. Every year, about two-thirds of granted green cards go to immigrants with family ties to lawful permanent residents and citizens. The RAISE Act would reduce family-based immigration, but permanent residents and citizens could still sponsor minor children and spouses. Elderly parents of citizens could enter the U.S. under renewable, long-term nonimmigrant visas as long as the citizen purchases their health insurance.
Points-Based Immigration System
The Act would also replace the existing employment-based immigration system with a more streamlined points system. This system would prioritize immigrants with high-paying job offers in the U.S. and valuable skills. English speakers would also be prioritorized.
The points system would consider factors like age, future salary, and education level, similar to systems already used in Australia and Canada.
These changes would try to reduce the number of legal immigrants coming to the U.S. by 50% over the next decade. The number of green cards granted each year would be capped to just 500,000 people. Applicants would need at least 30 points based the following:
- Achievements: 25 points for a Nobel prize, 15 points for an Olympic medal
- Age: Those over 50 would receive no points but younger people can receive 2-10 points
- Education: 13 points for a US doctorate, 1 point for a foreign or US high school diploma
- English ability based on a test
- Future salary: 13 points for a job offer paying 300% of the median for the destination state
- Investments: 12 points for a $1.8 million investment in a U.S. business
Scrapped Diversity Visa Program
If the RAISE Act becomes law, the diversity visa program that started more than 20 years ago would be ended. This lottery program offers a way to get a green card without family ties or employment prospects. The lottery grants 50,000 green cards each year to those who are from a country with low admissions over the last 5 years, have a job, and have finished high school.
The RAISE Act would end this program completely.
RAISE Act Faces Challenges from Democrats and Republicans
The Act faces many challenges to get passed. It would need a filibuster-proof Senate majority, which would be difficult to achieve. Democrats in blue states are opposed to the bill largely out of loyalty to naturalized citizens. While the Act is supported by the Trump Administration, Republicans may not support the bill as low-wage workers will be skeptical that the new immigration system will do anything for the tourism and agriculture sectors that play a role in many GOP states.
Despite these challenges, immigration reform of some type may be coming soon. Also, the U.S. had a merit-based immigration system until 1952 and there is growing support for a similar system. Finally, if you are concerned about how this legislation could affect you, a Boston immigration lawyer can help.
Contact Law Offices Trupt N Patel & Associates for a consultation with an immigration attorney to explore your options.
Law Offices of Trupti N Patel & Associates
One Boston Place, 201 Washington Street #2600, Boston, MA 02108
If you’ve been keeping up with politics, you probably already know how uncertain these times are for our country’s immigration laws. Amid the confusion, it is easy to lose sight of the true impact that immigration has on the economy at large.
Trupti N Patel & Associates recently pointed out an idea that many people overlook: our country has a shortage of workers in many fields — most of all construction. Much of the argument for stricter immigration laws runs contrary to our country’s need for skilled workers. The damage caused by this terrible hurricane season has made our lack of workers more noticeable than ever.
When a large number of construction jobs are left unfilled, their is a domino effect felt throughout the country. Infrastructure remains in poor condition. Potential businesses have fewer locations to open their doors. Furthermore, fewer houses are available for families to call their home. We believe that every immigration attorney should be making these jobs available to you.
Despite immigration’s tendency to fill important positions across the country, there is a lot of false information floating around. Especially about the negative ways immigrants affect our economy. Wages and total number of jobs available have been observed to increase as a result of immigration. Economists have proven the hard work and productivity of immigrants results in expanded career opportunities across the entire workforce.
Contact Us
As your Boston immigration lawyer, the Law Offices of Trupti N Patel & Associates is helping to spread the message that our economy needs immigrants to fill positions across the country. Our country’s immigration laws are in a tumultuous state. Also, there are more jobs than can be filled by our current citizens. There is a domino effect that can be felt across the whole country.
Law Offices of Trupti N Patel & Associates
One Boston Place, 201 Washington Street #2600, Boston, MA 02108
The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has resumed accepting premium processing for all H-1B extensions – Premium processing is now available for all types of H-1B petitions. The H-1B visas is used to provide skilled workers for a wide range of specialty occupations. When a petition is filed and premium processing (There is a fee associated with Premium Processing) is requested, USCIS guarantees a 15-calendar day processing time. If USCIS does not meet that guarantee, they will refund the petitioner’s premium processing service fee and continue with expedited processing of the application.
The USCIS had previously resumed premium processing for H-1B petitions subject to the annual cap, petitions filed on behalf of physicians under the Conrad 30 waiver program, as well as interested government agency waivers and certain H-1B petitions that are not subject to the cap.
If you have any questions regarding the H-1B visa or need help with any other immigration issue, please call the immigration lawyers at (617) 367-6750.
Law Offices of Trupti N Patel & Associates
One Boston Place, 201 Washington Street #2600, Boston MA 02108
US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has announced that from September 18, 2017, employers must use Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification, with revision date 07/17/17 N (date is located on lower left corner of the form), to verify the identity and work eligibility of every new employee hired after Nov. 6, 1986. Employers must also use this version of the form for the reverification of expiring employment authorization of current employees (if applicable). Employers can complete Form I-9 electronically using the latest version of Adobe Reader.
Prior versions of the form will no longer be valid for use. Employers failing to use the new forms may be penalized by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) as stated under section 274A of the Immigration and Nationality Act.
Employers should continue to follow existing storage and retention rules for each previously completed Form I-9.
The I-9 form can be found here: I-9 form
If you are an employer looking for help with immigration issues for your employees, please contact us at (617) 367-6750.
Law Offices of Trupti N Patel & Associates
One Boston Place, 201 Washington St #2600, Boston, MA 02108
(617) 367-6750