USCIS Suspends Premium Processing for FY 2019 H-1B cap
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The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has suspended premium processing for all H-1 B petitions subject to the Fiscal Year 2019 cap. USCIS will start accepting 2019 CAP H-1B on April 2nd, 2018. USCIS will reject any petitions filed received for premium processing. When the USCIS resumes premium processing, a premium processing request may be filed for any pending petitions.
The reasons given for the suspension of the premium processing are that it will allow the USCIS time to process pending petitions and process the H-1B extensions that are nearing the 240 day mark.
USCIS will continue to accept premium processing for H-1B petitions not subject to the FY 2019 H-1B cap. The suspension of the FY 2019 H-1B cap is expected to last until September, 10, 2018.
If you or your organization needs assistance with filing H-1B petitions, please contact Boston Immigration Attorney – Trupti N Patel & Associates.